Update your account information

ARM Security Systems’ customers can update their password, phone numbers or notification list by filling out the following form. ARM will send an email to verify when the changes have been made:

  • Please make the following changes to my account

  • What is a Password?


    The Password is the word that you give the central station when you are identifying yourself or cancelling an alarm dispatch.
  • What is a Callback Number?

    Call-Back Number:

    The Call-Back Number is the telephone number we call BEFORE we dispatch the police. It is the number that we call when asking for your Password to cancel an alarm. For a Residential Account, this is usually your primary home phone number. For a Commercial Account, it is most likely your primary business phone number.
  • Eliminate my current Notification List and replace with the following:

    What is a Notification List?

    Notification List:

    The Notification List is the list of people we call AFTER we dispatch the police. For Residential Accounts, it usually starts with the mobile phone and work phone numbers for the homeowners, followed by the phone numbers of trusted friends and relatives that can be contacted when the homeowners are out of town or otherwise unreachable. For Commercial Accounts, It is a prioritized list of phone numbers we can call, in an attempt to let the company know that their alarm has been activated and the police dispatched.
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